Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Type 1 Diabetes And Pregnancy: Weeks 7-9

I had my first doctor appointment with the OBGYN on June 20th, 2013. My husband attended the appointment with me and we both agreed the doctor was amazing. She was experienced and reasonable about my blood sugars. Many doctors will hold type 1s to the ranges of non-diabetics with out acknowledging the difficulty of the condition. She initially referred to my A1C of 6.3 as "a little high". I responded that I understood what she was saying/comparing it to, but that this number was outstanding for a type 1. After that, she definitely referred to my blood sugars as excellent. I felt that we understood each others perspectives while agreeing I was in great health. My doctor (Dr. A) was not a high risk OBGYN, but we would be able to consult with the high risk team at our hospital throughout the pregnancy.

The appointment started with Dr. A reviewing all the upcoming expected doctor appointments and tests I would need to complete each trimester. She asked about family health history and my work environment/schedule. Because I work with young children she ordered extra testing for exposure to certain viruses. She gave recommendations for books, classes, and handed us schedules.

The doctor reviewed type 1 diabetes related complications and extra precautions we'd be taking. She talked about my A1Cs and asked type 1 diabetes questions that gave me confidence in her knowledge of type 1 diabetes (this is sometimes very hard to find!). She covered all my questions about exercise, food, and travel before I could even ask them. She encouraged me to email her in between appointments.

Finally, after all the very important information, she set me up to for the ultrasound. Everything she'd said and every thought in my head was gone as I looked at the tiny peanut on the screen. She pointed out and explained that the tiny "flutter" we could barely see was the heart beating!! Then said we'd probably be able to hear it with the type of ultrasound she was using. Sure enough she hit a button and there was the "lub/dub" of little baby's heart! I had goose bumps, was shaking, and crying! She printed us our photos and then it was time to go to the lab for blood work.

I complete blood work often as a type 1 diabetic. They took a bit more than usual and I became very light headed. The tech was on the last vial and I told him I was beginning to feel worse. I had to be laid down, legs elevated, and given orange juice. This is the closest I've come to fainting in my life and it felt awful. They promised me this would be the only panel with that many vials!

That round of blood work included testing for blood type, RH factor, STDs, immunity/existence of viruses, a cystic fibrosis screening, and an A1C test. Over the next week I received the results and was able to look at them online. My doctor emailed me a nice note saying everything was looking good, and that my A1C was down even more to 5.8!!! I couldn't believe this especially after almost two weeks of stubborn highs before finding out I was pregnant. The hard work was paying off! Checking blood sugar up to 14 times a day, using a pump, CGM, daily intense logs, and those awful 11pm walks/jumping jacks for high blood sugars. Totally worth it.

The next day I met with another dietician who worked closely with the first one I saw, both Certified Diabetes Educators (CDEs). We reviewed foods to help with pregnancy and diabetes. We looked over my logs and discussed changes to my insulin regimen needed. My husband attended this appointment with me and was able to ask questions. The next week I followed up with my endocrinologist to review blood sugar logs. The doctor and I were able to address a lot of the low blood sugars that had been occurring.

Between weeks 7-8 my husband's family visited. We told my husband's parents by handing them wrapped picture frames saying "Promoted to Grandparents".

My husband is from a big close family and I very much feel that they are my own. They became very involved in my care and diabetes as I was very open with sharing how intense this process would become. They asked good questions and really understood the answers. I was able to have long meaningful conversations with the whole family about type 1 diabetes. My mother in law bought the "Balancing Pregnancy and Pre-Existing Diabetes" book on her kindle while visiting, began reading it immediately, and discussing it with me. I have never felt so loved in my life. I cannot believe the amazing support network I'm receiving. I am beyond blessed with good family and friends!!!

Using "A Beautiful Mess" app to create the bump photos. Even though you can't see it at this point (I feel like it's there), still capturing the moments. Wanted to do the chalkboard photos, but never got around to making one and my handwriting is horrible anyways! This is easier!

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