My blood sugars continued to drop weeks 9-10. I lowered my basal rates even more, they were lower than my baselines. My bolus rates also dropped a little to 1:12 and then needed to be adjusted at week 12 to 1:10. I had a few crazy highs of mid 200s and almost 300 that left me feeling guilty. They continued to come down quickly with walking. I had my A1C done again around week 12 and thankfully came back as 5.7. This put my mind at ease because my averages were not affected.
I continued to have severe fatigue, some days sleeping up to 16 hours. I noticed improvements when I exercised and started making more of an effort. The fatigue made it hard to be motivated. I also had nausea, although not really full "morning sickness". Mostly it felt like being massively hungover everyday. The symptoms made me want hangover/comfort foods with grease and carbs. Eating would curb the nausea so I was eating a lot and it was showing on the scale.
I started fighting the grease/carb urges, but still needed to eat often or felt sick. In fact, the only time I threw up is when I was so tired I slept in too long and didn't get something in my stomach soon enough. As long as I kept my stomach full I felt better, so I gave in to that. I still didn't have die hard cravings but wanted mango and lemonade pretty frequently.
During week 11 we were on vacation or our "babymoon" to Kauai, Hawaii. It was romantic, beautiful, and relaxing. However, as I still had many first trimester symptoms, I can see why many women put off a vacation like that until the second trimester. It was fun to be in Hawaii before growing too much, yet I had a few days where I needed to take long naps or go to bed early because of fatigue and nausea. We tried to balance indulging in yummy meals with healthy meal cooking in our little condo we rented.
Despite the preggo symptoms, we had an amazing vacation. I got some last minute adventuring such as surfing! We were able to snorkel, hike, kayak, and sight-see. Kauai was gorgeous and we plan to return there when we can!
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