Friday, August 9, 2013

Finding Out I Was Pregnant: Weeks 1-4

I entered a Monday morning in May with persistent stubborn high blood sugars in a way similar to when I'm fighting certain infections. I could not get these numbers down all day. I was confused because I didn't feel like I was getting sick. After googling if other type 1s had sudden change in blood sugars as an initial symptom, I took a home test anyways. Results were negative and I thought nothing more of it. I was however, really upset with my blood sugars and decided it was just a "bad day".

That week, I adjusted my insulin rates but everything I ate spiked my blood sugar and it was hard to fix. Looking back I realize I was moody and emotional. The following Thursday May 30th I was tired during my morning workout. This had been happening all week, but that day I also felt fatigued and awful at work. I left work early and slept as soon as I got home. I constantly felt symptoms of body aches, fatigue, headaches, and weakness.

My period was due the next day and I almost didn't test thanking it was definitely just an illness that had been coming on all week. I decided to go ahead and use the only pregnancy test I thought was left. It was positive. In shock, I began frantically reading over the little insert in the "First Response" box. Then, I tore my bathroom apart looking for another test, found one, and drank a whole bottle of water. It was also positive.

(In hindsight I would have left the preggo test out of the photo, even though it was clean!!)
My husband wouldn't be home until the next day. I couldn't tell him over the phone and here I was very excited/freaking out. Also, at this point I was suppose to meet a friend for dinner. I pulled myself together my mind racing and left home. It was so hard not to scream "omg you won't believe what just happened" through the entire meal. 

I left dinner and went to the pharmacy to buy a fancy digital test (set of 2) and more water. Note: turns out when they say 99.9% accurate they mean it! I didn't need to test FOUR times. I had an idea of how I wanted to tell my husband in mind and ran to Baby's R Us and grabbed some items to put in a box. Once home, I took the fancy digital test and the extra that came with it. Both positive of course. I wrote my husband a note and placed it all in the box.  
(I use baby mittens around my insulin pump when it is against my skin for comfort, hence the joke on the sticky note)
Sitting at home in shock and with insomnia, I emailed my doctors; my endo and my primary care physician. My emails were completely neurotic. They both responded with congratulations and a "you are definitely pregnant". My endo gave me a run down of what my next steps would need to be.

I had my husband text me when he was on his way home and I left work early to beat him home. I immediately had him sit down on the couch with him and handed him the box I'd made. He opened it reading the letter without yet looking at what was inside. He got through the first sentence and with the most wonderful look I've ever seen that words cannot describe, all he said was "WHAT, REALLY?!!". He may have gone a little pale too. He immediately grabbed me, hugged me, and kissed me saying "wow our lives just changed". This has become one of my favorite memories of all time!
After telling him!
I had called the OBGYN office that day to set up an appointment. They won't see you until you are about 7 weeks which for me was June 20th. However, arranged for me to come in to get my HCG (pregnancy hormone) levels tested. She stated that having type 1 diabetes means I am more likely to have a miscarriage so it would be a good idea to check my levels. You have to do this blood work two times 48 hours apart so they can see that the HCG levels are doubling every 48 hours. My blood work came back typical of a normal progressing pregnancy. My doctor emailed me that Monday saying she would see me June 20th! Which felt like it would be forever. 

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