I thought being off for the summer meant I would blog regularly! It has clearly meant I've had no time for the computer. I think that means we've been having a lot of fun, but I'm missing blogging and hoping to get back on a weekly schedule!
We traveled to Iowa for my annual family reunion! The farm now has goats and chickens!! There have not been animals on the farm since I was about 10 years old. This was exciting!
Returned from Iowa to quickly pack and move! No one is happier to be in our new place than our dog, Luka!
Attended a beautiful beach wedding uniting two amazing people! I had a bit of a hiccup that day with my insulin pump, but my blood sugars stayed stable. I usually carry a back up kit in my car, we realized halfway down the freeway that it was in my husband's car. I only thought of it because I noticed my insulin pump site was not looking good. Sure enough right when we arrived it fell out! I had 3 syringes and only fast acting humalog insulin on me. This was not ideal for a big meal and a long evening ahead. Amazingly, I pulled it off by taking 3 shots throughout the evening and dancing to keep the blood flowing/sugars down. I even had cake, no spikes! Such a relief. Diabetes did not ruin the night this time!
Finally, my husband and I took off for a romantic week in Kauai, Hawaii!! We had a blast. It was beautiful! I surfed the best of my life and my sweet husband keeps boosting my ego by bragging about it! Standing up on almost every wave was a big deal for me! We snorkeled, hiked, kayaked, and relaxed!
You are such an adventurer- I love this!