Saturday, September 21, 2013

Type One Diabetes and Pregnancy Weeks 13-20....Gender Reveal

It has been a month since I've updated! Yikes time flew bye! This post will cover the last 6 weeks of pregnancy and catch up to the current moment in time!

It has been relatively un-eventful. I've enjoyed the return of energy and reduced nausea that everyone said would come with the second trimester. Although I'm still very tired all the time and my workouts exhaust me much faster, I do not sleep 12-16 hours a day anymore!

I got pretty lazy about taking "bump" pictures and have way too many of myself in gym clothes working out in our garage!!

I had a check up during week 15 with Dr. A, my regular OBGYN. This was a short appointment to listen to the heartbeat and measure my fundal height. I did blood work the same day for further prenatal screenings and to get my A1C. My A1C was still 5.7, which was unbelievably amazing. 

Enjoying a friend's wedding celebration around 16 weeks!! Somewhat still able to "hide" the bump.
My next appointment was with my endocrinologist during week 18. This turned out to be great timing because the insulin resistance that sets in around half way through pregnancy and gets worse until the end was just starting to show that week! We were able to make some small adjustments and my blood sugar averages came back down that same week. We planned for me to send my logs in to her via email, meet with the CDE (certified diabetes educator) dietician with my food and blood sugar logs, and then again with my endo in the weeks ahead. 

My superstar husband also went out and picked me up a used treadmill. This helps immensely with getting down high blood sugars! Thus far 10-15 minutes of walking and drinking a lot of water can help correct numbers like 240 to 140 and 178 to 70. As I've stated before, this works for my body and maybe not all type 1s. I also often wind up low, but I'd rather quickly correct a low than have hours of high blood sugars for baby's sake. The treadmill allows me to exercise at any time day or night if my blood sugar creeps up too high!

20 weeks=5months=OMGhalfwaythere!!!!
During week 19 we had our anatomy ultrasound. They spent almost 30 minutes taking pictures of every structure they could. My regular high risk doctor could not see me as he was held up with another patient. Another doctor covered for him and reviewed the pictures with us. She review my second trimester blood work. We also finally found out the baby's gender!!! IT'S A BOY......!!

We had a small gender reveal celebration and took some better than in-the-garage-working-out "bump" pictures!